You must have heard the saying, 'Early to bed, early to rise' several times, but did you know waking up early actually makes you healthy, wealthy and wise? Waking up early in the morning is the toughest part for many, especially for those who have a habit of sleeping late at night.

Advantages of Rising Early : Waking at sparrows means you can experience any number of beautiful things. You can:
  • watch the sun rise
  • enjoy the quiet, uninterrupted time
  • work on a project for an hour or two before the day has begun
  • work on a hobby
  • exercise in the morning air
  • listen to the birdsong
  • relish the fact that the day has started on your terms
  • mediate, pray or practice mindfulness
  • enjoy the simple pleasure of a tea or coffee
  • be up, dressed and ready for the day before the rest of the house wakes

Be Consistent With Sleep : Going to bed at the same time everyday will ensure that you wake up on time the next morning. Your body loves consistency, so sticking to a particular sleep schedule will make it easier for your body to wake up in the morning. Make sure that you sleep for seven to eight hours to feel rested throughout the day.

Learn To Wind Down : You must switch off the computer or television at least half an hour before you go off to bed. Also, bright lights act as a disturbance for your brain. Read a book or drink a glass of warm milk to feel relaxed before going to sleep.

Do Not Consume Alcohol : Contrary to popular belief that alcohol puts you off to sleep, drinking alcohol or coffee at night can keep you awake and may disrupt your sleeping pattern as well. While it is okay to have one drink to relax yourself, refrain from going overboard.

Tire Your Body : Strenuous exercise is the right way to put your body off to sleep. Make sure that you are exercising an hour to two before you hit the bed. Apart from this, exercising once you wake up in the morning will energize you and keep slack away for the rest of the day.

Take An Early Shower : A refreshing and rejuvenating splash of water is a great way to kick start your body's nervous system and also feel recharged throughout the day.

Tell me, are you an early riser? Or do you prefer the nigh hours?
Going for a jog in the morning will keep you energized throughout the day.