Ever found yourself so bored that you'll start thinking of really crazy stuff to do just to keep yourself occupied?
Don't have any ideas, try some of these:
  • Try pulling funny faces until you find a funny one that makes you laugh.
  • Turn your room into a theme park by making different rides using items in your room.
  • Write a book about your previous life.
  • Play with anything that looks interesting.
  • Drive the speed limit in your garage.
  • Play Pat Boone records backwards.
  • Chat with strangers on the internet! That seems to be what most of us do.
  • Try playing baseball with tomatoes.
  • Video yourself doing a silly dance to a song then watch it after and laugh.
  • Write a random story.
  • Spin around until you get really dizzy.
  • Write a play script then act it out.
  • See how small you can scrunch your face.
  • Water your dog...see if he grows.
  • Racing in shopping carts is major fun.
  • Go through a magazine and cut out pics of things you like and put them up in your room or in a special book.
  • Talk to yourself in the mirror.
  • Draw some new inventive hairstyles on a piece of paper.
  • Dance until you are out of breath.
  • Memorize a series of random numbers.
  • Speak with a forked tongue.
  • Get a dog to chase your car.
  • Pretend you are blind.
  • Water your family room.
  • Sharpen your sleeping skills.
  • Have your pillow X-rayed.
  • Invent a new kind of sweet.
  • Go into your bathroom and play pirates.
  • Try to make yourself laugh so hard that you wet yourself.
  • Draw Lewis structures on your ceiling.
  • Sleepwalk without sleeping.
  • Count your teeth with your tongue.
  • Memorize the dictionary.
  • Hold an ice cube as long as possible.
  • Write graffiti under the rug.
  • Speak in acronyms.
  • Paint your windows.
  • Pretend you are running away from yourself.
  • Brush your teeth for ten minutes.
  • Slap yourself until you get hurt.
  • Practice your boxing on a pillow.
  • Try to balance as many spoons on your face as you can.
  • Adopt strange mannerisms.
  • Invite the Manson's over for dinner.
  • Pretend to try and catch butterflies.
  • Watch random videos on youtube!
  • Type as fast as you can.
  • List all the swear words you know.
  • Listen to your least fave songs over and over again.
  • Try to learn a new language then impress your mates.
  • Throw a tomato outside your window and watch where it lands.
  • Make random noises that nobody has heard before.
  • Put loads of signs on your bedroom saying, "Beware! don't enter!"
  • Hold a note for as long as you can. Keep trying until you get a record!
  • Balance a pencil on your nose.
  • Design a better toilet seat.
  • Make yourself a pair of wings.
  • Check under chairs for chewing gum.
  • Tattoo your dresser.
  • Hold your breath as long as you can. Keep trying until you get a record.
  • Memorize the periodic table.
  • Use an eraser until it goes away.
  • Get run over by a train of thought.
  • Watch a watch until it stops.
  • Make up a game and play it.
  • Pretend to sing like mad.
  • Walk around your room without walking on the floor.
  • Do a book review.
  • Make a machine out of things from the bin.
  • Wrap up random things inside your room.
  • Steal loads of food from your fridge and try to eat it all.
  • Pretend to try a fly.
  • Act as if you are really angry.
  • Make up famous sayings.                                      