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 Christmas time's for dreaming,
Thoughts of long ago,
Holidays of childhood,
Memories all aglow. 
 Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by
giving the light of love to those who need it most.
 God grant you the light in Christmas which is faith;
the warmth of Christmas, which is love;
the radiance of Christmas, which is purity;
the righteousness of Christmas, which is justice;
the belief in Christmas, which is truth... 
Christmas day is a day of joy and charity.
May God make you very rich in both. 
Christmas is a day of meaning and traditions,
a special day spent in the warm circle of family and friends. 
Christmas is cold, and warmth,
Forgiveness, and tender smiles,
A handclasp firm, a letter flying,
Across the snowy miles.... 
 Christmas is the happiness that lights our children eyes.
Christmas is song of bells ringing through the skies.
Christmas is a time of peace, of contentment deep within,
A time of love and silent hope that years will never dim.  
Christmas now surrounds us,
Happiness is everywhere,
Our hands are busy with many tasks,
As carols fill the air...  